Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stalking or surfing?

Most people I have spoken to have admitted that they have at least once visited a certain person's page or profile a number of times. But does this count as stalking? How does stalking differ from just catching up on what a friend is doing by visiting their profile a couple of times?

(taken from 22/04/10)

According to, the legal definition of stalking is as follows: A form of harassment generally comprised of repeated persistent following with no legitimate reason and with the intention of harming, or so as to arouse anxiety or fear of harm in the person being followed. Stalking may also take the form of harassing telephone calls, computer communications, letter-writing, etc.

But I think that stalking definitions should evolve to include repeated persistent following with a legitimate reason - the legitimate reason being to constantly be up-to-date and know everything that a certain person is doing. I think the act of stalking doesn't always have to have an intention of harming someone or just having harmful intentions.

From EB

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